25.04.2019 The opening of Olya Yatsenko’s personal exhibition “Fifth Part of the World”. Video

On April 25th the opening of Olya Yatsenko’s personal exhibition “Fifth Part of the World” was took place.

Gallery: Spivakovska ART:EGO culture center.
Organizers: Love Agency, Spivakovska ART:EGO, Olya Yatsenko

About Exhibition “Fifth Part of the World”

Are you ready for magic adventures? Let us drag our gaze away from the ground and look up. Up in the sky, where such a mysterious and boundless space is hidden. We will deeply inhale and exhale, close our eyes, let all our troubles and worries go for some time. And that is how we will start an exciting journey to the Fifth Part of the World.
What is this part of the World that the pictures are eager to tell us about? They will lead us to a garden of magic planets, where beautiful flowers send their fragrances to feel our body with calming taste of harmony and sensual vibrations of warmth. This place is so serene! This part of the World is so diverse, because we are all unique, and everyone discovers something special for himself or herself here. Or maybe it is just about recollecting old memories…
The author of these works is a young artist, who aims to reveal various feminine characters through her paintings of this World. The art series is about something that lives inside every woman. Olya Yatsenko wants to show us and remind us of a beautiful spring garden, which every woman is cherishing in her soul. Our internal Universe that we all need to appreciate, love and preserve.
Olya believes that paintings are endowed with incredible power to deliver information, feelings and emotions. Her artwork is adorned with warm and enchanting characters, full of deep and fair thoughts, which we should always remember about. The plots of Olya’s paintings seem to be heard by her heart and born from the depth of her soul.
And here, in the middle of boundless space of the magic World, we will meet our internal child that lives inside each one of us. The child who surely has something to tell us. So the Poohnastiks, who came flying to Earth from a planet hidden above the clouds, will remind us about it through these paintings. About the joy that brings out sincere emotions and feelings, reminding us of simple and important moments, which give us enormous power to perform wonders, enjoy life and do something good right here on the Earth.
We will walk around spring gardens, fly from one planet to another, collect stars and bask under warm sun rays. We will learn again how to believe, to dream and, of course, to love. Because in this World only love and the sun of our heart can really make flowers bloom in our gardens.
Olya Yatsenko is a painter and illustrator. She is an author of two books, “The night adventure” and “Poohnastiks. A diary of stories”. Apart from painting, her creative life is also dedicated to computer illustration and art. Among her projects, she considers art for computer games to be of particular interest. Olya also created a series of Viber stickers named “Violet”; her picture of a unicorn was printed by a world-famous brand New Yorker on sweatshirts in 2017. Besides, Olya has drawn illustrations in a series of original children’s books for Amazon.
She has participated in about ten personal and numerous group exhibitions both in Ukraine and abroad. Her works belong to private collections in Ukraine, Poland, France, Italy, Turkey, UAE and Canada.

Photos from exhibition you can look HERE

Video and editing by Natalia Kiryakova