Bunnies. Oil canvas artworks

rabbits in love artist Olga Yatsenko olarty


“Something about Love” | “Про кохання”
With inspiration dandelions flowers, catching stars in the mover river and so on…
Oil/canvas | полотно/ олія
50×60 cm, 2016

rabbits in love artist Olga Yatsenko olarty_close

rabbits in love artist Olga Yatsenko interior

“Two. Rome. Night” | “Двоє. Рим. Ніч”
Oil/canvas | полотно/ олія
50×60 cm, 2016

“Our comet”| “Наша комета”
About friendship, night sky and one comet for two
Oil/canvas | полотно/ олія
50×60 cm, 2016

“Our Sicily”| “Наша Сицилія”
Oil/canvas | полотно/ олія
50×60 cm, 2017


“Bunnies in the mountaines”| “Кролики серед гір”
Oil/canvas | полотно/ олія
50×40 cm, 2017

